What's Happening in Harrogate

Harrogate Home Page Contact Page Hours of Operation About Harrogate What's  Happening City Charter, Codes Parks and Recreation Book Station Harrogate VFD Map of Harrogate Weather for Harrogate Schools Fair Housing/Title VI My Photos Harrogate Zoning Job Information Harrogate Utility Department Annual Harrogate Christmas Parade Annual 4th of July Event Meeting Agendas Harrogate Merchant's Association Food Vendors and Food Trucks HVFD 2024 TRUCK or TREAT Blog

What's new around town?


6 Best Dogwood Tree Varieties



The Claiborne County Soil Conservation District
Annual Tree Day
Friday March 7, 2025

This event will take place at the Wal-Mart in New Tazewell and Harrogate City Hall. The event is sponsored by Wal-Mart, Claiborne Farmers Co-Op, Hearthside Bank, Commercial Bank, The Claiborne County Commission, Claiborne County Soil Conservation District, Tennessee Department of Forestry, Harrogate Garden Club, and the Harrogate Tree Board.

Seedlings on order are:

Short Leaf Pines (free)

White Dogwood ($1)

Chinkapin Oak ($1)

Pecan ($1)

Fuji Apple ($5)

Ruby Rush Apple ($5)

These are bareroot seedlings.

The events will begin at approximately 9:00 AM -2:00 PM or until trees are gone.

For additional information please contact Kim at Claiborne SCD 423-626-3811 ext. 101 or at claibornescd@netscape.net.



How to Grow Fuji Apple Trees | Dengarden     Pecan Tree Care - Learn How To Plant A Pecan Tree    Chinkapin Oak For Sale Online | The Tree Center  RubyRush™ Apple Tree - Stark Bro’s Light Bulb Animated Clipart Gif





Light Bulb Animated Clipart Gif

Christmas Vacation GIF - National Lampoon Christmas Vacation Christmas ...

Are your Christmas lights the envy of the neighborhood? Make them the envy of the city this year with Harrogate's first Clark Griswold award!
Turn up the wattage on your fun, old-fashioned family Christmas by entering the contest!
Lights ✔️
Music ✔️
Trees ✔️
Inflatables ✔️
Nativity ✔️
Christmas characters ✔️
Santa and his reindeer ✔️
Decorate with any of it (or all of it!) and call City Hall at 423-869-0211 to enter! We have to know your name and address so our judges can drive by your decorated home the week of December 16th. Participants must be within the city limits of Harrogate.
The winner will be announced on December 20th and will receive
dinner for a family of up to 5 at Gondolier.

Light Bulb Animated Clipart Gif




Mayor Poore would like to invite everyone to the second annual
Christmas tree lighting at Harrogate City Hall! 
Friday, November 22, 2024 at 7:00pm
Shawanee Baptist Church Choir will help usher in
the holiday season with your favorite Christmas carols.
Come join us and bring your Christmas spirit! 

    Christmas Tree Clip Art Images - InspirationSeek.comChristmas Tree Clip Art Images - InspirationSeek.comChristmas Tree Clip Art Images - InspirationSeek.comChristmas Tree Clip Art Images - InspirationSeek.comChristmas Tree Clip Art Images - InspirationSeek.comChristmas Tree Clip Art Images - InspirationSeek.comChristmas Tree Clip Art Images - InspirationSeek.com     

Second Annual Tree Lighting 

November 22, 2024

7:00 PM

Harrogate City Hall


Christmas Tree Clip Art Images - InspirationSeek.comChristmas Tree Clip Art Images - InspirationSeek.comChristmas Tree Clip Art Images - InspirationSeek.comChristmas Tree Clip Art Images - InspirationSeek.comChristmas Tree Clip Art Images - InspirationSeek.comChristmas Tree Clip Art Images - InspirationSeek.comChristmas Tree Clip Art Images - InspirationSeek.com 





Credit to Judy's Flowers and Gifts for the beautiful bows!

Shout out to the maintenance staff for making it happen!


🍂 Wanted to tell y'all
     It's looking like Fall
         Down at City Hall 🍁 

                                                         Troy Poore, Mayor


What a way to greet both citizens and guests coming into our city!
This area has always put on a beautiful natural display in the fall,
and we're just trying to keep up! 
Thank you Harrogate Plant and Produce for doing such a great job!
                                           Troy Poore, Mayor
Check out the flags going up in the City of Harrogate!
We are celebrating 30 years of incorporation!
Thank you PVEC for putting them up!
Troy Poore, Mayor









Swearing in ceremony for Troy Poore,

Mayor of Harrogate, Tennessee

November 28, 2022

The Honorable Judge John D. McAfee, swearing in newly elected Mayor, Troy Poore







   Congratulations Mayor Poore!




                                                                 Mayor Poore sharing the moment with family











               Mayor Poore swearing in Randy Burchette 

             Alderman, West Ward 


             Alderman Burchette was also appointed 














Adam Wilson was appointed and sworn in

for the West Ward Alderman seat left vacant by Mayor Poore. 

















Not pictured is Lorri Kimbrough who was appointed by the Board as West Ward Alderman,

and will be sworn in at a later date.







 Thank You Images – Browse 202,846 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video | Adobe Stock

For many years of dedicated service to the City of Harrogate,

we say thank you to our outgoing Mayor, Linda Fultz, and West Ward Alderman, Lieven Cox

October 18, 2022





Vice-Mayor Troy Poore, presenting a plaque to Mayor Fultz,

recognizing eighteen years of service to the City of Harrogate




The City of Harrogate Board of Mayor and Aldermen

L to R - Kenneth West, Randy Burchette, Linda Fultz, Lieven Cox, Troy Poore





Thank you Raychel!

Everyone loved the cake!



Raychel's Sweet Treats 







Alderman Randy Burchette, Chairman of the Harrogate Planning and Zoning Committee,

presents Dan Hawk with a plaque in appreciation of his years of service as the city's Local Planner.

Mr. Hawk retired June 30, 2021









Sandra E. Cosby, Esq. sworn in as first Municipal Judge in Harrogate


The Honorable John D. McAfee, Judge of the 8th Circuit Court,

with the Honorable Sandra E. Cosby, Harrogate Municipal Judge


L-R, Alderman Gary Burchett, Mayor Linda Fultz, The Honorable John D. McAfee,

The Honorable Sandra E. Cosby,

Vice-Mayor Allen Hurst, Aldermen Troy Poore and Lieven Cox

Sandra E.Cosby, Esq. being sworn in as Harrogate's first Municipal Judge

by The Honorable John D. McAfee









Office Hours:  8AM - 4PM

Closed 12PM-1PM Daily for Lunch

Open Monday - Friday

Closed Saturday, Sunday and Holidays

Phone:  (423) 869-0211

Fax: 423-869-0022
e-mail: Debra England, cityrecorder@harrogatetn.org

e-mail; Sherry Goode, cityclerk@harrogatetn.org




The Planning and Zoning Commission meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:30 PM at Harrogate City Hall. 

The Board of Mayor and Aldermen meet the 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 PM at Harrogate City Hall.   

A BMA worksession is conducted at 6:00 PM on Tuesday prior to the regular monthly meeting.  

The Harrogate Book Station committee meets the second Saturday of each month at 10AM, 310 Bristol Road.

The public is invited to attend all meetings. Check the page About Harrogate for a list of the Officials and Staff of the City.