Harrogate Utility Department

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City of Harrogate Utility Department

Harrogate City Hall

138 Harrogate Crossing

Harrogate, TN 37752

Business Hours:

8am to 4pm Monday thru Friday;

Closed for lunch 12-1pm

Closed Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays

Office Phone: 423-869-0211          Fax: 423-869-0022           Email: cityclerk@harrogatetn.org

After hours or weekend emergency numbers call:  Justin Cupp - 423-489-3902


If no answer: Tyler Cupp: 865-279-3150 or Nathaniel VanNorstran: 423-489-1984




 When paying in person, please bring your entire bill.

We accept, cash, checks, and money orders, (debit or credit cards online only)






CitiSen Portal - https://citisenportal.com/Account/Login



When mailing payments, please include your billing stub and send to:

Harrogate Utility Department

138 Harrogate Crossing

P.O. Box 979

Harrogate, TN 37752


For your convenience, a secure payment box is available and located at the entrance of the city hall parking lot. *We are not responsbile for payments left in the payment box without the billing stub included*


All payments are due on receipt and will be accessed a 10% late fee if paid after the 20th of the month. If bill remains unpaid after the due date, service may be disconnected.






Advertisement for Bids

City of Harrogate Sewer System I&I Repairs Construction Bid


The City of Harrogate will be soliciting bids for sewer system repairs. The sewer system

I&I repairs consist of approximately 109 separate repairs including pipe replacement, joint repairs, sewer tap replacements, all other associated appurtenances, fittings and connections.

This project is being supported with American Rescue Plan Act, Coronavirus State and Local Recovery Fund grant funding. Therefore, certain restrictions and other federal requirements are attached to this opportunity. Separate sealed bids for the City of Harrogate Sewer System I&I Repairs will be received by the City of Harrogate at the City Hall located at 138 Harrogate Crossing, Harrogate TN, 37752 until April 15, 2025, at 2:00 P.M. local time and then at said

office publicly opened and read aloud. Any person with a disability requiring special accommodation must contact the City of Harrogate no later than 7 days prior to the bid opening. A Pre-bid Meeting will not be held. All bid documents may be examined at the following: 1) Knoxville Blueprint & Supply, 2) City of Harrogate, and 3) Knoxville Builders Exchange. City of Harrogate hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered pursuant to this advertisement will be afforded full opportunity to

submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. The city of Harrogate is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Any contract that uses federal funds to pay for construction work is a "federally assisted construction contract" and must include the equal opportunity clause found in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, unless otherwise stated in 41 C.F.R. Part 60. We encourage all small and minority owned firms and women's business enterprises to participate. No bidder may withdraw his bid within (60) days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

TDEC-ARPA WW-PDC-1 City of Harrogate Sewer System I&I Repairs Construction Bids

Public Works PLEASE NOTE: Official plans and specifications may only be obtained at Knoxville Blueprint & Supply for a non-refundable cost of $150/set. It is the sole responsibility of all plans

holders, whether they have received digital downloads or paper copies of the plans and

specifications, to periodically to check for Addenda which will be posted at Knoxville Blueprint & Supply the Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act is also applicable, which prohibits workers on construction contracts from giving up wages that they are owed. Contractors must not appear on Sam.gov disbarment list. A detailed listing of all subcontractors shall be provided by the Bidder. In accordance with the Contract Documents, documentation that the prospective General Contractor and its subcontractors meet minimum qualifications shall be provided and submitted. Subcontractors must also not appear on Sam.gov disbarment list. Mark-ups on subcontractor work or Cost-Plus Overhead will be disallowed for reimbursement. A bid bond or certified check for five percent (5%) of the total bid amount must be accompanied by each bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond in the amount of his bid and shall, before entering on the work of said contract, be licensed as a contractor of Jefferson County The owner reserves the right to waive any Informalities or to reject any or all

bids. All bidders must be licensed general contractors as required by the Contractor's Licensing Act of 1994 of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, and qualified for the type of

construction being bid upon. Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to whether conditions of employment need to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract, Section 3, Segregated facility and Section 109. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 60 days after the actual bid date of the opening thereof. Contact Person Matt Hatfield, 865-388-5031, matthatfield2@gmail.com To obtain plans and specifications please contact Knoxville Blueprint & Supply at (865) 525-0463. Plans and specifications are non-refundable $150/set and digital copies are not available.



Certain Operating Policies

Shut off/Reconnect Policy: Past due bills are subject to cut off for non-payment. Your water service will be terminated and a reconnection fee of $50 will be added. Water will be reconnected only after all sewer usage charges are paid in full to the City of Harrogate.

Residences not connected to public water: Single-family residences that are not connected to the public water system will be billed at the minimum rate usage for sewer usage.

Maintenance policy for Residential and Commercial E-ONE pump systems:  Each sewer customer will be billed a monthly maintenance fee based on the current rate structure in effect if the residence or commercial unit is supported by an E-ONE pump system. This commercial rate policy applies to commercial systems that serve multiple (four or more) units. Less than four­ unit commercial
systems will be reviewed and assessed upon installation.

Owner responsible for tenants' unpaid sewer service. Owners of any property receiving water or sewer service shall be responsible for any fees charged to any tenants of said property that are
not satisfied by that tenant.

Swimming pool wastewater usage credit. (1) Wastewater customers shall pay the appropriate water rates for filling of swimming pools. One adjustment per year may be made by the billing clerk on the sewer bill for water used to fill a swimming pool. The pool must be a minimum size of one-thousand (1,000) gallons and must not drain into the public wastewater system. The adjustment
shall reduce the sewer service charge for the number of gallons required to fill the pool. Adding water to an already filled pool does not qualify for an adjustment. The clerk may determine the
amount to adjust by subtracting the previous three months' average from the current billing.(2) The customer must notify the city before filling the pool.


What NOT to put in the sewer system

A reminder that if a product claims to be "disposable", it does not mean it is "flushable"


Items claiming to be "biodegradable" do not necessarily break down well enough to be put into a sewer system.

Many materials potentially flushed or poured down the drain can harm the pipes that connect to our sewers, the sewers themselves, as well as the treatment plant, eventually harming the environment. If it doesn't dissolve immediately in a bowl, it has no place in the sewer. The exception, of course, is toilet paper.

Grease is a major problem for sewer systems.

It will coat the sewer walls and eventually cause a clog and back up. Instead, please pour grease into a container, let it solidify, and throw it into the trash.

Toxic materials are also not allowed.

Anything that contains mercury or PCB's is prohibited. Paints, pesticides, paint thinners, solvents, explosive mixtures, and unused medications are not allowed.

Other common items that should not be flushed into the sewer system:

* Plastic objects, (toys, eating utensils, etc...)

*Glass, metal, wood, or soil

*Cooking oil,or other edible food oils

*Hand towels, washcloths, or paper towels

*Feminine hygiene products and sanitary napkins

*Diapers, cotton balls, and swabs


*Hair clippings

*"Flushible" toilet cleaning brushes, pads and wipes

*Mop cloths and mop heads

Thank you for your cooperation!


At minimum fee (up to 2000 gallons) $27.50

Over minimum fee (more than 2000 gallons) $21.70 per thousand gallons

E-One maintenance fee $20.00

Re-connect fee $50.00

(Non-refundable) Application fee $125.00